Privacy policy

In ANIMACUATIC are committed to maintaining your confidence. Therefore, make sure to comply with should settle in the existing law and not use the data
supplied by the customer for purposes other than treatment of sending their orders.
Personal and financial data provided by users are collected safely and encrypted to strengthen the security of our customers. Users can exercise at any time, rights of access, rectification, cancellation and oppose your personal data. The exercise of these rights may be exercised by sending an e-mail to

This website uses technology to collect etracker data on visitor behavior. These data were collected anonymously for marketing and optimization. All visitor data is saved an anonymous user ID to aggregate a usage profile. Cookies may be used to collect and save this data, but data can not be personally identifiable. The data is not used to identify a visitor personally and not
added to any personal information. The collection and data storage may be rejected in any time by sending an e-mail

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